This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Getting to know your VoIP System: One Feature at a Time


Getting to know your VoIP System: One Feature at a Time


Feature 5 – Call Queues for Office VoIP Phone Systems

Also called: Automatic Call Distribution or ACD

What are Call Queues for VoIP?

Call queues automatically place incoming calls in a virtual waiting line when no one is available, or if a staff member is busy on another call. Once a staff member becomes available, the next queued call will be sent to them.


How do call queues benefit you?

Call queues help companies manage calls when there are more incoming calls than the number of people available to answer the calls. Additionally, call queues encourage callers to wait for someone to answer, instead of just hanging up, having to call back, or leaving a voicemail. Another advantage of call queues is that, while callers are waiting for someone to answer, an informational message or music can be played for the caller.

How do I use call queues on my cloud based PBX system?

Once set up correctly, it’s a simple feature. However, there are a lot of options for when, and under which circumstances, it should start putting calls in a queue. To navigate setting call queues up, it’s best to work with a company that is experienced. You can give us a call at 212-290-2736.

Practical Applications of call queues

  1. Manage large volumes of incoming calls. Call queues allow employees to finish with their current call before another call is transferred to them. Since each new caller is placed in the call queue, employees do not have to interrupt the call that they are on to answer an incoming call.
  2. Call queues can prioritize call order. the order in which the call entered the queue. A call queue can be programmed to move certain calls to the front of the line. Calls may be moved ahead based on: the urgency of the call, the issue they’re calling about, the person who is calling.


Helpful tips:

  1. Call queues are often confused with Ring Groups.
  2. a. With ring groups, calls can ring multiple extensions at once, but if everyone is busy, then the call will enter voicemail or other preprogrammed alternate handling options.
    b. With call queues, the caller is put on hold and waits until someone is available to take their call.

  3. Automated attendants can place incoming calls into a call queue.


Next Week

Thanks for reading! Next week, we’ll be discussing the Call Forwarding feature for VoIP phone systems. Call Forwarding makes it quick and simple to temporarily send a user’s calls to another phone. To get the most out of your VoIP system, we encourage you to read up on the features that we have discussed so far: Call Park, Paging, Automated Attendant, and Ring Groups.

Series Navigation<< Feature 4 – VoIP Ring GroupsFeature 6 – VoIP Call Forwarding >>