Voice over IP (VoIP) technology has rapidly been making its way into offices around the country and around the world! As older analog technology has continued to fall out of favor, replacement telephone system parts have become more and more difficult to obtain. This puts the non-Voice over IP user at a significant disadvantage –But what if your company recently purchased a newer analog system? If your system is only a few years old, or newer, I certainly won’t encourage you to throw it all away. However, I will encourage you to read on and find out how you can throw away your high phone bills and get the savings of voip.
Voice over IP has numerous advantages, as we’ve discussed in Does Your VoIP Service Have These Qualities?, Using VoIP to Work Remotely and Do Business from Home, and a 5-step article series on Migrating to VoIP; there’s no question about it, Voice over IP telephone technology will supplant the older technology, which has been in use for well over one hundred years. In fact, within the next 5 years or so, we are looking at nearly a complete switch-over to IP telecommunications. However, by adapting your current system to Voice over IP, you’ll be able to use it as you do now; you’ll also be preparing yourself for when older copper telephone lines are abandoned by the phone companies.
It’s actually fairly simple to adapt an older telephone system to Voice over IP. A clever device is used to “convert” your internal telephone lines into a form which allows for your telephone calls to travel over the internet. With this device, your telephones will also continue to operate how you are used to. Better yet, when you eventually decide to go with a Voice over IP system, the installation will be facilitated since you’ll already have the high-speed internet connection. You can think of this as a gradual way to transition over to Voice over IP; also to free yourself of the high telephone bills that have plagued you.
Think about it and then call Steadfast for more information and to begin saving on your phone bill.